Mobility Flow Routine...Plus Some Science Behind Foam Rollers!

Aug 29, 2022

Have you ever looked at a foam roller or mobility ball and wondered how it works? After a long swim or workout, feeling like your muscles are tight is pretty common. 

Mobility flow is a great component of exercise, but it can be a bit daunting looking at all the different types of foam rollers and mobility equipment out there, so let’s break it down a little bit!

Does the type of ball matter? Well. Sort of! A lot of that is a personal preference. The knobby, pointed spike-type balls are going to stimulate more sensory points. Sometimes they are more uncomfortable and just not tolerated by folks. If you don’t tolerate it without wincing and hating it...ditch it. If you love it...go for it!

I want you guys to know that it doesn’t do what a lot of these hype sites will say. Research pretty clearly shows us that it doesn’t break down tissue, change the actual muscle itself, etc.

It DOES give input to the system and temporarily inhibits pain perception which can in turn help decrease some neuromuscular tension and guarding and result in a sensation of “looser”, “less tension”, “less pain”, etc.

I utilize this to free up movement so that I can reinforce that with mobility work. It is never my stand-alone “fixer”.

❌ What I do NOT when people beat the hell out of themselves and keep their nervous system and body so sensitized and sore that nothing can calm down. 

 If you’ve been going at it with stuff like this and feel like it’s not working for you...TAKE A BREAK! Let your body chill out. Do more mobility work. Focus on strengthening and controlling at end ranges. It will likely be more helpful!

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